Header Package:
Overall there are 6 header package in C-Programming. All the package has different works. Here we introduce those package with you:
<stddef.h> -- Using this header package we define Macros.
<stdint.h> -- Using this package we define exact width integer types.
<stdio.h> -- This is the most useful package we introduce core input and output function using this package.
<stdlib.h> -- This package basically do many things, like numeric conversion functions, Pseudo - random network generator, memory allocation.
<string.h> -- Defining string handling functions.
<math.h> -- It is very important for mathematical calculation. Many mathematical function like sin, cos, tan, log etc. are in this package.
Overall there are 6 header package in C-Programming. All the package has different works. Here we introduce those package with you:
<stddef.h> -- Using this header package we define Macros.
<stdint.h> -- Using this package we define exact width integer types.
<stdio.h> -- This is the most useful package we introduce core input and output function using this package.
<stdlib.h> -- This package basically do many things, like numeric conversion functions, Pseudo - random network generator, memory allocation.
<string.h> -- Defining string handling functions.
<math.h> -- It is very important for mathematical calculation. Many mathematical function like sin, cos, tan, log etc. are in this package.